Child Counselling
Children may not express their mental issues in a verbal way but there are signs that parents can recognize.
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ABA stands for Applied Behaviour Analysis, which is a structured and systemic teaching method based on learning theory that teaches new skills and decreases unwanted behaviours. ABA has been shown to be an effective treatment for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other disabilities.
IBI stands for Intensive Behavioural Intervention, a treatment program for children on the Autism spectrum, which is based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). The goal of IBI is to significantly improve a child’s overall functioning and developmental trajectory. IBI is intensive, with 20 to 40 hours per week of service, focusing on all developmental domains, including communication, social skills, pre-academics, and adaptive skills. IBI is delivered by Instructor Therapists who work directly with the child, and monitored by Senior Therapists who supervise and train Instructor Therapists, in addition to developing programs. Each IBI program is supervised by a Registered Psychologist/Psychological Associate.
Family involvement is instrumental in IBI/ABA goal selection and programming. A key component of IBI/ABA services involves training parents to support their child in achieving their goals.
At the beginning of service, an assessment is completed to determine a child’s strengths and needs. Based on the results, an Individual Service Plan (ISP) is created, which outlines the child’s specific treatment goals and programming. The child’s progress is monitored through regular data collection on target skills, in addition to reassessment every 6 months.
The Autism Intervention Program, through the Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS), funds IBI programming for children deemed to be on the more severe end of the Autism spectrum. Parents must contact the lead agency in their region to register for services: http://www.children.gov.on.ca/htdocs/English/topics/specialneeds/autism/providers.aspx
For parents who have been approved for Direct Funding Option (DFO), Dalton Associates can connect you with Instructor Therapists, Senior Therapists, and Psychologists/Psychological Associates who are approved to provide DFO funded IBI services.
Dalton Associates provides ABA-based programming that may be covered by extended health care benefits. Similar to IBI, an assessment is conducted and an ISP developed based on the child’s strengths and needs, in addition to parent goals. The number of hours per week for ABA programming is flexible, but generally ranges from 4-10 hours per week or more.
If you require assistance navigating the support systems in place for your child and your family as a whole, please contact our office at 1.888.245.5516 ex. 25.
Ministry of Children and Youth Services (2013). Intensive Behaviour Intervention. Retrieved from: http://www.children.gov.on.ca/htdocs/English/topics/specialneeds/autism/ibi.aspx